RCT can be finished in a single sitting when there is an acute infection and no pus buildup in or around the tooth. In this instance, an X-ray is the most significant diagnostic tool. The presence of pus collection is typically shown on the X-ray as a change (radiolucency) around the tooth's root tip. Not every situation is appropriate for a single root canal session; in cases of persistent or chronic illness with pus buildup in and around the tooth, either with or without a growing abscess, numerous sessions are necessary to drain the pus. To gain access to the canals, the pulp chamber must first be opened. With the use of specialized tools called files, the contaminated neurons are extracted once they have been opened.

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  • RCT Clinic in Gurgaon Sector 45
  • RCT Clinic in Gurgaon Sector 47
  • RCT Clinic in Gurgaon Sector 46
  • RCT Clinic in Gurgaon Sector 60